Body Analysis Report £50

Endorsed by the NHS…

Body composition analysis using ‘INBODY 720’ equipment which is endorsed by the NHS, a full report is provided including analysis of muscle, fat, nutritional evaluation, bone mineral content and basal metabolic rate (BMR).

The InBody 720 is a useful assessment for anyone wanting to understand what their body requires for a healthier life. It is a valuable tool for measuring the effectiveness of exercise programs or maintaining healthy muscle mass and metabolism, both of which decline as you get older without the correct exercise and nutrition.

Body Analysis Report
Endorsed by the NHS…

Body composition analysis using ‘INBODY 720’ equipment which is endorsed by the NHS, a full report is provided including analysis of muscle, fat, nutritional evaluation, bone mineral content and basal metabolic rate (BMR).

The InBody 720 is a useful assessment for anyone wanting to understand what their body requires for a healthier life. It is a valuable tool for measuring the effectiveness of exercise programs or maintaining healthy muscle mass and metabolism, both of which decline as you get older without the correct exercise and nutrition.

The Analysis Results

The InBody 720 analysis provides measurements of the following body compartments, which offer an in depth overview of a client’s overall health, optimal weight and specific exercise needs.


Body Weight
Body Fat Mass
Visceral Fat
Skeletal Muscle Mass
Total Body Minerals
Bone Mineral Content
Body Hydration Levels
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Fitness Score
Percentage Body Fat
Basal Metabolic Rate
Water Retention
Suggested Healthy Weight


A really comprehensive result sheet is printed which is easy to read and understand with detailed graphics and recommended rates, progress and targets for the client. You will receive the printout and full explanation with your consultation.

Body Analysis Report HYPOXI Worcestershire

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