Have a read of Dianne’s story and see her own before & after photo’s…
Have a read of Dianne’s story and see her own before & after photo’s…
January 2010, 2.5 years after child birth, I was a dress size 18 and despite several failed attempts at diet and exercise, I was fast approaching forty and felt embarrassed of my shape and size, hiding behind black elasticated wide leg trousers and bubble hem tops. I struggled to get up and down stairs due to poor knees and had given up on my love of clothes as nothing fitted as I was so very bottom heavy with big thighs, tummy and bottom.
My 40th birthday was my incentive as I did not want to be fat and 40. I knew a lot of the celebs loved HYPOXI® and kept themselves in good shape getting rid of fats in those hard to get rid of areas. I had seen Tamzin Outhwaite on Loose Woman saying HYPOXI® in Harrods, London was how she got rid of her baby belly prior to going on stage in the West End; and Cheryl Cole had already written about it in her first Girls Aloud, Dreams That Glitter book, so I figured it would be the answer to my prayers and it was!
I did 30 minutes of gentle pedalling on a HYPOXI® machine just 3 times a week. I was told that HYPOXI® used compression and vacuum (you couldn’t really feel anything) to make my circulation strong in my fat so that for up to 8 hours after my session my body would be burning fats in the target areas of my hips, thighs, bum and tum. It sounded too good to be true.
I didn’t believe it was possible at first, gentle pedalling, not breaking a sweat and dropping a dress size in 6 weeks, well it didn’t really ring true in my mind. I thought I would stick to the nutritional guidance of the recommended healthy balanced diet, eating good low GI carbohydrates before my sessions and eating high protein (lean meats, fish and eggs) meals afterwards. I enjoyed the foods, which helped because if I’m honest with myself, I thought I am going to do this 6 week course by the book because I’m bound to prove it wrong! Well I was wrong!
After 3 sessions a week and in 6 weeks I had gone from a size 18 to a snug 14, but just another 6 weeks on, so 12 weeks in total, I had dropped from an 18 to a size 12. My body shape was completely different, back in good proportions (rather than my previous hideous pear shape!) as proven by the fact I was a standard off the peg clothes size. My cellulite had virtually disappeared, and it had been dreadful before.
I couldn’t have been more thrilled with the results. I did no HYPOXI® for the following 6 months and I didn’t change shape or put the fat back on, and that was with doing 6 days of routine eating and a day a week enjoying whatever I fancied! Once we got the HYPOXI®-Studio in Kidderminster in September 2010, I soon dropped from my size 12 to a comfortable size 10 and have found it really easy to maintain this size.
I loved HYPOXI® so much and was so thrilled with the results I wanted to be able to offer others the miracle of HYPOXI®, I really enjoy life so much more without my dodgy knees, and have enjoyed improvements in my skin, hair and overall vitality as well as the obvious better proportioned leaner body with better skin tone. I’m at the age now where I don’t want to lose weight from my face and chest, just those ‘downstairs’ areas and HYPOXI® really does get to the areas diet and exercise can’t always reach.