With a course of HYPOXI® Treatments, in only 4-6 weeks you can lose that ‘muffin top’ and regain your waist; get rid of ‘love handles’ and flatten your tum. HYPOXI® targets fat and cellulite in those hard to get rid of areas, and is often referred to as the non invasive alternative to tummy tucks and liposuction.
It is loved by many celebrities e.g Cheryl Cole, Tamzin Outhwaite, Robbie Williams to name a few. Typically drop a dress size or couple of trouser sizes in 4- 6 short weeks. There are obvious longer term health benefits associated with losing fat, and previous customers have typically lost 10% from their dangerous visceral fats as well as reshaping their body. Look great and feel amazing. It’s easy and it’s fun.

With a course of HYPOXI® Treatments, in only 4-6 weeks you can lose that ‘muffin top’ and regain your waist; get rid of ‘love handles’ and flatten your tum. HYPOXI® targets fat and cellulite in those hard to get rid of areas, and is often referred to as the non invasive alternative to tummy tucks and liposuction.
It is loved by many celebrities e.g Cheryl Cole, Tamzin Outhwaite, Robbie Williams to name a few. Typically drop a dress size or couple of trouser sizes in 4- 6 short weeks. There are obvious longer term health benefits associated with losing fat, and previous customers have typically lost 10% from their dangerous visceral fats as well as reshaping their body. Look great and feel amazing. It’s easy and it’s fun.
Initial courses are typically 18 sessions over a 4-6 week period. A session lasts 30-60 minutes depending upon therapy.
We like to tailor our services to exactly what you need, whether it be special occasion or holiday preparation, a one off pamper; or regular maintenance grooming, health and wellbeing.
These intensive HYPOXI® targeted fat burn courses include full body analysis printed report which accurately measures fats in different body sections as well as dangerous visceral fats. Before and after photos, together with measures will be taken at the beginning and end of your sessions so you can appreciate your amazing body transformation.
HYPOXI®-Method is typically 3 times faster than diet and exercise and unlike the former will target stubborn fats on those hard to get rid of areas eg tummy, hips, bottom, and thighs.