Last month in my article I shared research ultimately concluding that being overweight can put
you at higher risk of more serious complications arising from Covid 19 and it recommended healthy, balanced diet and exercise options. Well, you can imagine how delighted I was to see the Government announce a new plan to tackle obesity amid concerns about heightened risks of
coronavirus to the overweight. The plan was shared in the same week as a Public Health
England (PHE) study published that being classed as medically obese increased the risk
of death from coronavirus by 40%.

The proposals include a ban on TV and online adverts for junk food until after 9pm, an end to buy one get one free promotions for unhealthy foods. Restaurant chains with more than 250 staff have to publish calorie counts on menus and alcoholic drinks have to display the hidden liquid calories. Bikes will be encouraged and 12 week diet plans will be promoted.

Obesity has long been a root of many health conditions, this is not a new phenomenon yet us
as individuals often don’t recognise the weight creeping on until we’ve firmly landed in the
obesity category. For me I went for my 12 week baby scan appointment at the hospital and
when the nurse read from her charts declared I was morbidly obese. How could that be,
the baby was only like a bean, not even 1lb in weight?! Everyone laughed when my husband
said no …. “She’s under height for her weight”.

Well call it what you like, it had crept on and I didn’t realise. Despite knowing my morbidly obese categorisation I continued to eat processed / junk food, ballooned even more and would you believe it – ended up with serious birthing complications as a result. It takes a light bulb moment for people to take their weight seriously. If you are overweight what will trigger your light bulb moment? Please, please don’t wait for something to go wrong. Take control NOW. There is great help out there to get you a healthy body but the first steps start with YOU.

An analogy to explain ”Sharpen the saw” is the wood cutter chopping trees and he works harder and harder chopping more trees, he couldn’t work any harder, faster or longer, but doesn’t make as good progress as the wood cutter who stopped and sharpened his saw. To be effective, we must devote the time to renewing ourselves physically, spiritually, mentally, and socially. If you want to make this happen, plan, write down, do it and review it! It’s good to have something down in all four dimensions every week, to do them, and to evaluate your performance and results. Physical could be as simple as a diet or exercise commitment, Spiritual could be meditation or connecting with nature, mental could be reading a book, and social could be participating in a project to help others or simply try and understand others more.

Since last month more industries have reopened, giving us more leisure options, which is great news. The bottom line is if you’re in the obese category you need to sharpen your saw and don’t wait too long to see the light!

I would love to hear of any changes you make for the better, so please share them with me on

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