Protect your health with immune boosting nutrition

Last month I promised to tell you about my wedding preparations for one of my nearest and dearest getting married. As I write, I have no idea whether the imminent wedding will go ahead or not, but it seems a little futile of me to report my face and body...

Spring into Spring!

Hopefully February enabled you to plan and deliver some LOVE for your body and mind? If not, it is never too late to take control. We are now heading to Spring, and as the days start drawing out it is a great time to enjoy the outdoors more and treat yourself to fresh...

Healthy mind + Healthy body = LOVE!

First things first …. Has the festive over indulgence gone? If you answer no, you need to address it sooner rather than later! February is a short month and if the damage isn’t recovered by the end of February you will be on the slippery slope and heading for...

New Year – Same old me? NO WAY!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone has had a happy and healthy Xmas and New Year? Happy and healthy certainly go hand in hand, and allows us to enjoy this precious gift of life. Giving your body the correct fuel is at the heart of that healthy – healthy body and...